LED Lighting

***The typical savings when using LED’s is 65% on your energy bills.***


Governments across the world are committed to lowering their carbon footprint over the next few years, and changing lighting to LED can help reduce emissions quickly and efficiently.

HGO Electrical can assist in achieving a reduction of CO2 emissions and enhancing energy efficiency through LED lighting solutions. With retrofit solutions now available, our Lighting Services can provide an LED solution for any application.

Atlas Electrical UK recommend the use of LED as an alternative to other light technologies for many reasons, just some are listed below.

For more information please contact us to discover your options.

LEDs produces very little heat making them cool to touch, and means they can be left on for many hours without being a potential for burns and fires.
LED lamps don’t contain mercury, lead or glass like standard lamps, and therefore can be recycled safely too.

Producing 50% less carbon and made of non-toxic materials, LEDs are recyclable and considered ‘green’ compared to other lamps on the market.

LEDs have been produced to emit almost no UV compared to traditional lamps, this means that they are safe and suitable for UV sensitive objects or materials.

LEDs use around 90% less energy than a standard incandescent lamp, and around 50% less energy than a fluorescent lamp. LEDs use less energy and less electricity, and as they have a long lifespan, costs are also saved in maintenance and replacement costs.

An average LED lamp will last around 20 times longer in comparison to a standard incandescent lamp. This makes them perfect for light fittings located in high ceilings or hard-to-reach areas.

LEDs do not have fragile components like glass and filaments and are tolerant to shock, vibration and extremely cold temperatures. Due to their durability, they are a great solution for external applications, such as car parks.

Eco Friendly Lighting

If you don’t want to upgrade to LED lighting just yet, there are other eco-friendly ways for your business to monitor and reduce your lighting costs.

Newer low voltage lighting is 30% more energy efficient than dated fluorescent lighting and delivers much longer lamp life.

Installing sensor operated lights in rooms such as bathrooms and storage rooms prevents lights being left on all day.

Electrical Power Monitoring will show you how much energy is being consumed by your business and pinpoint where energy is wasted and can be saved.